31/03/2025 - Berlin


For our new Europe Tour 2025-2026 “ GATE TO OTHER WORLD “ and to expand our talent pool we are looking for extraordinary, strong and expressive dancers with strong Jazz , Contemporary techniques and very good adaptability to different styles. Experience in partnering and acrobatic skills .
Female dancers : from 1.60 m
Male dancers : from 1.70 m

Audition : 31st of March in Berlin by invitation only . Callback on 1st of April.

Rehearsals: From end of September 2025 in Berlin.

Tour dates : Oktober 2025- July 2026 ( Friday - Sunday only ) . Employment contract from 1st of September.

To register for the audition please send your CV with photos to : olenajoazi@gmail.com

Looking forward to see you in Berlin!

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