
Fecha límite:

Fabbrica Europa
27th edition
Florence, September 3 – October 8, 2020
PARC Performing Arts Research Centre, Cascine Park,
Teatro Puccini, Teatro Cantiere Florida,
Teatro Studio Mila Pieralli Scandicci

From September 3 the new edition of Fabbrica Europa

In search of the sense of a new contemporary, Fabbrica Europa has redesigned the 27th edition with the aim of looking at both the present and the future. This has resulted in a program driven by the potential of the relationship between performing arts / outdoor space / nature, thanks to the diverse scenarios that the Cascine Park in Florence offers.

From September 3 to October 8, Fabbrica Europa finds life, forms, formats, sounds, poetics and narrations inside and outside the PARC Performing Arts Research Centre, in the green spaces of the Cascine Park, on the stage of the Teatro Studio in Scandicci, the Teatro Cantiere Florida and the Teatro Puccini.

Over a month of dance and music with Italian and international artists.

Discover the programme on www.fabbricaeuropa.net

Tickets available from August 24 on www.ticketone.it
Given the limited capacity of the festival venues, pre-sale purchases are recommended.

The events will be held in compliance with the national and regional security measures to combat the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

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