03.06.18 More than 7,000 dancers from all parts of the world competed this year on the DanceStar World Finals competition, held in Poreč, Croatia. Dancers from 25 countries presented their skills in numerous dance styles: from ballet to urban. Dance spectacle was accompanied by beach parties and workshops, held by the biggest names in the industry. At more than 20 dance classes participants had an opportunity to learn from Marty Kudelka, Justin Timberlake's exclusive choreographer, Dylan Mayoral (UK), Roy Duan (GER), Almira Osmanović (CRO), June Guaricci & Hans Joachim Tappendorff (GER), Zoltan Katona (HU), Murray Grant (UK), Axel Olzinger (AUT), Željko Božić and Matic Zadravec (SI).
One of the biggest events of the competition was Gala Night, where 21 selected choreographies competed for the prestigious title of the Gala Night Winner and money prizes. The winner was Tatijana Ignjatov from dance club Unitty SA (South Africa) (Contemporary Modern). The second place was won by the first-ever Asian group at the DanceStar, Rock*Well (Urban Dance Styles). South African group Eunice Marais School of Dance was pronounced third in the category Production Number.
A special treat for dancers selected at the audition, was filming of DanceStar Video Project, choreographed and directed by Marty Kudelka. The project gave the dancers an opportunity to work with the choreographer of the stars on a video that will represent DanceStar on a global level.
Five-day competition was finished by an award ceremony, where the best of each category was pronounced on stage. DanceStar is so much more than just a dance competition: is an opportunity for dancers from all over the world to meet, learn from each other and make new friends.